Minutes of the District 18 Board




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Date:      April 21, 2006      Heritage Inn,  Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan         



Present: President Ian Martindale, ID, Vice President Barry Pritchard, AB, Secretary Mary Jo Brown, MT, Treasurer Kerma Jones, UT, Floyd Hawley, WY, Andy Anderson SK, D18 Tournament Coordinator & Web Master Claire Jones, ACBL Board of Directors Richard Anderson, D18 Tournament Director Steve Bates, ACBL President Harriette Buckman.  Absent: GNT & NAP Coordinator Marie Jolley.


1.  The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by President Ian Martindale.


     2.  President Ian Martindale welcomed ACBL President Harriette Buckman     

          to District 18.


3.  Minutes of the September 30, 2005 meeting in Saskatoon, SK were circulated. Moved by Andy Anderson, 2nd by Barry Pritchard the minutes be approved as presented.  Carried


4.  Treasurer’s report was circulated by Kerma Jones with statements from

     Edmonton  and Saskatoon tournaments.  Moved by Floyd Hawley, 2nd by

     Barry Pritchard the Treasurer’s report be approved as presented.  Carried


5.  ACBL President Harriette Buckman spoke with the group about the goals

     of the ACBL with emphasis on help for teachers this year. The district

     has $1500 set aside to help novice teaching programs.  Since the league

     grows from the bottom, assistance for teachers seems appropriate.


6.  Richard Anderson, District 18 Representative to ACBL reported that

    ACBL is generally healthy with 155,000 members. The amnesty program

    effective January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2006 has returned 1200

    members. This number is projected to reach 3000.  Bridge is Cool.com is

    working as well.  Richard has been elected to represent ACBL to the

    World Bridge Federation and will work for better relationships between

    these organizations.

Calgary is a possible site for the 2012 NABC to be held the week after the Calgary Stampede.


7.  Discussion of reporting results of regionals to the chairpersons and state

     or provincial representatives in a timely manner. Table count, receipts,

     expenses, and profit or loss were considered. A preliminary report is to be

      sent to the representatives to pass on to the chairpersons.


8.  A time clock has been purchased for District 18 for $400 US. Moved by

     Mary Jo Brown, 2nd by Andy Anderson to pay this bill. Steve Bates will

     take it to each regional tournament site.


9.  Moved by Floyd Hawley, 2nd by Andy Anderson to reduce the entries for

     Canadian Regionals to $12.50 Canadian per session. Carried


10.Moved by Floyd Hawley, 2nd by Kerma Jones that table supplies be set at

     $3.00 Canadian per table for Saskatchewan. Carried


11.Moved by Andy Anderson, 2nd by Richard Anderson that Montana take

     care of supplies for Butte and Helena at $3.00 U.S. per table. Carried


12.Moved by Richard Anderson, 2nd by Mary Jo Brown to set the hospitality

     allowance at $4.25 U.S. and $5.00 Canadian per table. Carried


13.Tournament Coordinator Claire Jones reported that several smaller units

     are no longer holding sectionals. It was suggested that smaller units  merge as this would not affect the ability to hold sectionals and would distribute the duties over a larger group.


In the absence of Marie Jolley, Mary Jo Brown reported that plans are complete for the GNT Finals to be held in Helena, May 12-14.


Copies of E-mails received from Gordon Campbell were circulated.

In response, the conditions of contest for NAP finals will state that each pair shall play every other pair at least once in a single section two-session event.


     Marie Jolley had a question regarding a four-session NAP district final      

     which Richard Anderson will respond to via E-mail.                                                                                                           

Mary Jo Brown reported correspondence with Betty Jo Gifford in regard to a regional to be held in Casper, WY. Moved by Richard Anderson,2nd by Barry Pritchard to hold a regional in Casper in 2010.  Carried   Further planning for 2010 regionals is to be discussed in Kalispell.


14.Moved by Floyd Hawley, 2nd by Barry Pritchard to continue the

     honoraria for Treasurer and Web Master.  Carried


15.President Ian Martindale requested the board become a committee of the

     whole to discuss forms of recognition for winning B and C players.

      Suggested forms and methods of implementation will be discussed  

 at the Kalispell meeting in September.   


16.Moved to adjourn by Mary Jo Brown.  Adjournment at 6: 55 p.m.


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Last updated: May 22, 2010