Minutes of the District 18 Board




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Date:   Apr 28, 2010                                          Location: The Heritage Inn: Moose Jaw, SK



Printable PDF Format


Treasurer's Report - Year End 2009

Present:  President Ian Martindale, ID; Vice President Andy Anderson, SK;

Treasurer Doug Adair, UT; Secretary Ken Scott, AB; Mary Jo Brown, MT; Pam Padgett, WY; Claire Jones, ACBL Board of Directors; Claire Jones, D18 Tournament

 Coordinator & Webmaster; Steve Bates, D18 Tournament Director; Marie Jolley, GNT & NAP Coordinator

1.  The meeting was called to order by President Martindale at 4:45 p.m.

2.  Minutes of the October 2, 2009 meeting in Saskatoon, SK were presented as previously circulated. Moved by Ken Scott, 2nd by Pam Padgett that the minutes be approved. Carried

3.   Business arising from the minutes:

  1. Achievements by D18 Juniors: Tom Walsh (U23) - Saskatoon and Chris Chalcraft (U26) – Calgary are participating in trials (30 trying out for 12 spots) for the World /Youth/Junior Championship to be held Oct 10 to 16/ 2010. Tom Walsh (Saskatoon) achieved 11th in the ACBL Junior competition in 2009.
  2. Bios for WASUMI website. Ken is to send an email to Ian and Doug to help them get their bios to the website.
  3. Entry Fees at Regionals. It was re-affirmed that D18’s agreed current entry fee is $11.00 US (or $12.50 CAN). Billings will be using the $11.00 US rate in their advertising materials.
  4. GNT discussion and 2011 location were deferred to the fall meeting. Ken noted that there is interest in hosting it in Edmonton. Following the suggestion that it would be interesting to explore if and how the D18 final could be provided online, Marie (Ken & Andy, others) offered to make inquiries.

4.  Doug Adair presented the Treasurer’s report. Moved by Mary Jo Brown, 2nd by Andy Anderson that the Treasurer’s report be accepted. Carried

5.  Report from ACBL Board. Claire Jones attended the Reno meeting and drew attention to the following items:

·        Youth and Junior Bridge Ambassadors. As part of the ACBL’s ever-expanding Junior Bridge Program, a new award for Youth and Junior members has been established. Nominations for 2010 are now (until June 1st) being accepted. Criteria are available at ACBL.

·        Insurance. ACBL has a liability insurance policy that covers specific situations that might occur at Regionals, Sectionals, and even club games. If you notice a situation that could become a claim, at your earliest convenience notify Peter Rank, ACBL Counsel, Horn River.

·        A decision on Bridgemates and Bridgepads has been deferred pending further evaluation of the systems.

Claire’s full report appears on WASUMI.org. Claire was commended for his pre meeting seeking of input from Board Members and Unit Board Members. Moved by Claire Jones 2nd by Pam Padgett that the report be accepted. Carried

At this point, the remaining agenda was tabled in order to facilitate the election of Officers for District 18. Two expressed interest in the President’s role. Moved by Ian Martindale, 2nd by Ken Scott that Nominations cease. Carried.  Ballots were circulated and counted and Andy Anderson was declared President for the forthcoming two years.

Mary Jo Brown expressed interest in the Vice President role and there being no other voices to that effect, Mary Jo was declared Vice President by Acclamation.

Doug Adair expressed interest in the Treasurer role and there being no other voices to that effect, Doug was declared Treasurer by Acclamation.

Ken Scott expressed interest in the Secretary role and there being no other voices to that effect, Ken was declared Secretary by Acclamation.

The regular meeting re-convened. Andy Anderson took the Chair and thanked Ian for his multi-term service as President.

6.  D18 Tournament Coordinator’s Report. Claire Jones reviewed progress by Tournament Committees for 2010, 2011, and 2012 Regionals. He advised that locations and dates are firming up for 2013. Following is information available:

2010 Regionals

Proposed Dates


Moose Jaw

Apr 26 – May 2/ 2010



July 12 – 18/ 2010


Red Deer

August 9 – 15/ 2010



Sept 27 – Oct 03/ 2010



2011 Regionals

Proposed Dates



May 9 – 15/ 2011

Hotel & Chair ready


July 4 – 10/ 2011



August 8 – 14/ 2011

Hotel penciled in


Sept 26 – Oct 02/ 2011

Hotel & Chair ready


2012 Regionals

Proposed Dates



April 9 – 15/ 2012

Preliminary info


May 14 – 20/ 2012

Hotel & Chair ready


August 6 – 12/ 2012

Hotel booked

Aug 6 is Civic Day


Sept 24 – 30/ 2012

Hotel & Chair ready


2013 Regionals

Proposed Dates


Great Falls

April 8 – 14/ 2013

Hotel booked

Sun Valley

May 15 – 21/ 2013


Red Deer

August 7 – 13/ 2013



Sept 25 – Oct 01/ 2013


      Claire also pointed out the opportunity to host a D18-wide STaC game the second week of December (Dec 6 to 12, 2010). There was general support for the idea and Claire will explore the next steps seeking linkage to the Billings organizers.

      Moved by Mary Jo Brown 2nd by Ken Scott that the report be accepted. Carried

7.  Webmaster’s report. Moved by Claire Jones, 2nd by Ken Scott that the Webmaster’s report be accepted. Carried

8.   New Business

  1. Board per diem reimbursement. Proposals had been circulated pre meeting about ways to re-structure Board Member per diem reimbursement to better reflect actual costs. It was Moved by Ian Martindale, 2nd by Doug Adair that the reimbursement policy be as follows:

Travel to and from the biannual Board Meetings: 35 cents (US) per mile total (no reimbursement for enroute overnight hotel).

Hotel at the meeting location: 2 nights at the rate of the host venue plus taxes (no change from current). If a Board Member resides in the city of the Board Meeting location, that Board Member is not eligible for hotel reimbursement.

Meal allowance: $150 US total --- 3 days at $50 per day). (no change)

Free Plays: 1 free play (not transferrable) for each game at every D18 Regional. (no change)

Claire Jones clarified that he is not eligible for the travel portion of the reimbursement policy as such expense is covered by his ACBL Board of Directors role. He is still eligible for the hotel and per diem allowance (and free plays).

  1. Tournament Coordinator and Webmaster.  Moved by Ian Martindale, 2nd by Ken Scott that Steve Bates be appointed D18’s Tournament Coordinator. Failed. There was discussion about the honoraria for Webmaster and Tournament Coordinator and it was re-affirmed that it’s $400 for the former and $600 for the latter with Claire Jones serving in both roles.
  2. District Resource Kit for Regionals. The guidance for Regional scheduling developed by Mary Jo Brown has been included in a draft kit of resource materials for future Chairpersons. The materials were provided by a number of former Regional Chairpersons, notably Mavis Bergquist (Edmonton). Ken provided a disc of the draft materials and asked for input before finalizing it. Fictitious names and phone numbers still need to be typed into many of the documents on the disc so it’s important to see the work as draft to protect confidentiality.
  3. ByLaws. The redrafted ByLaws were circulated prior to the meeting.  Moved by Ken Scott 2nd by Mary Jo Brown that the report be accepted. Carried. The ByLaws will be sent to ACBL and posted on WASUMI.
  4. Motions protocol. It was Moved by Claire Jones, 2nd by Doug Adair that for future D18 Board Meetings, all Board meeting motions must be submitted to the secretary 3 weeks prior too each meeting. The secretary will then circulate the motions to all Board members. In the case of an urgent item that could not have been anticipated the Board may allow new business items at the meeting. Carried
  5. Challenges and Opportunities. Having decided to commence focused dialogue on challenges and opportunities for District 18, there was brief discussion on some early ideas circulated before the meeting. Ken Scott agreed to develop and send a prototype to all Board Members, seeking their input, bringing a consolidated version to the next meeting in Missoula.
  6. Steve Bates reported that the table count for Moose Jaw is on target to equal or modestly exceed the estimate of 750 tables.
  7. Elections Officer. With Andy Anderson serving as the President, another Board Member should service as Elections Officer. Pam Padgett offered to serve in that capacity. It was Moved by Ken Scott, 2nd by Andy Anderson that Pam Padgett be appointed Elections Officer. Carried

8.   Minutes of Online Meetings since Previous Face to face Meeting:

(October 14, 2009) MOVED by Mary Jo Brown, SECONDED by Ken Scott that District 18 contract a 2-year (2010 and 2011) agreement with the South Saskatchewan Unit (#573) to provide supplies for 2010 and 2011 Regionals at Casper, Missoula, and Billings (Salt Lake City will be making their own arrangements) at the rate of $3.00 (US) per table with no guarantees of table count. At the conclusion of the 2-year agreement, the contract would be reviewed by both sides for future consideration.

9.   Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, Missoula, MT; Holiday Inn

10. Motion to adjourn by Pam Padgett. Adjournment at 6:48 p.m.


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Last updated: May 23, 2010