Minutes of the District 18 Board




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Date:      October 3, 2003        The Regina Inn, Regina, Saskatchewan 

Present: Vice President Karen Eble (Montana), Treasurer Floyd Hawley (Wyoming), Secretary Ian Martindale (Idaho), Kay Reese (Utah), Barry Pritchard (Alberta), Richard Anderson (National Director), Roger Putnam, District 18 Head Tournament Director, Marie Jolley, District 18 GNT and NAOP Coordinator, Steve Bates, District 18 Tournament Director, Claire Jones, District 18 Tournament Coordinator.

Not present: President Ron Hemeon (Saskatchewan).


  1. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Vice President Karen Eble.

2.  Secretary Ian Martindale read the Minutes of the previous meeting.

      Motion by Ian Martindale, 2nd Dick Anderson, to accept the minutes as read.



  1. The board discussed the service Bob Donaldson had rendered to the District over 40 years of service.

Motion by Floyd Hawley, 2nd Kay Reese, to make Bob Donaldson a Life Member of  District 18 and to grant him free plays to all District 18 Tournaments.



  1. Roger Putnam informed the Board that The Billings Regional referenced in the 

    minutes would be held September 13-19, 2004.

  1. Karen Eble informed the Board that the Billings Regional scheduled for 2006 would be moved to Kalispell.

  1. Treasurer Floyd Hawley presented the treasurer’s report as printed, and indicated that the District would have a shortfall of $5,000 US in this year, and that the bank reserves would be approximately $40,000 at yearend.

Motion by Floyd Hawley 2nd Kay Reese to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.



  1. There was a report by Ian Martindale on the Regional in Boise, and the loss of US 7,000 resulting from poor attendance and exceeding the hospitality budget. The Board emphasized that Tournament Chairmen be sent the guidelines for running a regional, and stay within the budget, and consult with Roger Putnam on estimated attendance, canceling some entertainment if necessary.

     8.  The Board discussed the proposal suggesting that the Grand National Teams finals

            be moved to Calgary, Alberta, in 2004, citing the greater ease of access for more

            players with the presence of an international airport.

            Motion by Barry Pritchard 2nd Dick Anderson that the 2004 District 18 Grand

            National Teams final be held in Calgary.



  1. The Board discussed the NAOP final event, and the problems with the present arrangement in Billings.

Motion by Floyd Hawley 2nd Ian Martindale to move the 2004 NAOP District 18

Final to a Sectional Tournament in Montana, giving Great Falls the first refusal.





After the meeting in Regina the District received permission from the ACBL to advance the deadline to complete club qualifying to August 22, 2004. The Board arrived at the unanimous consensus that the event should be held at Billings.

Since Vice President Karen Eble received the consent of all members, the motion in Item #8 is hereby rescinded. The NAOP finals in 2004 will be held in Billings as originally scheduled at the Billings Regional Tournament.

By Ian Martindale, Secretary, District 18 Board of Directors, as instructed by Vice President Karen Eble.


  1. Vice President Karen Eble reviewed the correspondence to the District.

    10.  Dick Anderson indicated that he has no new items to report from the National

           Board that was not included in his previous report.


  1. Claire Jones presented the schedule of tournaments for the future few years.

The previous conflict of D18 and D19 tournaments has been resolved.

He indicated that the schedule is now on the website wasumi.com.

Motion Barry Pritchard 2nd Dick Anderson to hold a regional in Moose Jaw in 2006.



  1. Motion Dick Anderson 2nd Barry Pritchard to continue the present subsidies to District 18 representatives to North American Championships.



  1. The meeting was adjourned sine die.

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Last updated: May 22, 2010