Minutes of the District 18 Board




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Date:      September 25, 2008   Location: Shilo Inn: Idaho Falls, ID


Printable PDF Format 

Present:  President Ian Martindale, ID; Vice President Andy Anderson, SK;

Treasurer Doug Adair, UT; Secretary Ken Scott, AB; Mary Jo Brown, MT; Pam Padgett, WY; ACBL Board of Directors Dick Anderson; D18 Tournament Coordinator & Webmaster Claire Jones; D18 Tournament Director Steve Bates; GNT & NAOP Coordinator Marie Jolley.

Guest: Helen Samuelson, Tournament Coordinator for the 2011 Billings Regional.

1.  The meeting was called to order by President Martindale at 4:55 p.m.

2.  Minutes of the April 10, 2008 meeting in Lethbridge, AB were presented as previously circulated. Moved by Mary Jo Brown, 2nd by Andy Anderson that the minutes be approved. Carried

3.   Business arising from the minutes:

  1. Regional Guideline

·        The ‘Guideline’ was discussed in terms of what parts are ‘policy’ and what parts are ‘guideline’. It was clarified that all items with dollars articulated are policy, with the accentuation that the hospitality budget based on the table estimate provided by the Head Director is firm and will be supported even in the event of a lower than anticipated turnout.

·        It was further clarified that as a tournament unfolds, there is the need to have the flexibility to make modifications to the program (such as adding a one session Swiss to accommodate the fallout from a larger than anticipated Knock Out event) and that the Tournament Chairperson, in discussion with the Head Director has the authority to make such modifications. 

·        As part of his Treasurer’s report, Doug Adair drew attention to weakening financial results from recent tournaments, especially those in Canada. The need for an increase in entry fees became apparent and as was the need for enhanced hospitality budget and at the same time it was acknowledged that there should be a period of stability in these rates. It was Moved by Ken Scott, 2nd by Dick Anderson that effective January 1, 2010 the D18 entry fee and hospitality budget be as follows:

EFF: Jan 1, 2010

Regionals in the USA

Regionals in Canada

Entry fee


$12.50 (including GST)

Hospitality budget

$6.25 per table

$7.25 per table


      Ken advised that he would update the Regional Guideline and send to Claire for the website.

  1. Bridge Promotion Successes:

·        Business cards for Board Members have been created and provided to Board Members.

·        Pencils advertising the 2009 D18 Regionals have been purchased and Steve Bates will be distributing them at future tournaments in the D18 Region.

·        The WASUMI ad for future Regionals was updated and sent to D19 for their forthcoming DINO Newsletter.

4.  Doug Adair presented the Treasurer’s report. Moved by Ken Scott, 2nd by Dick Anderson that the Treasurer’s report be accepted. Carried

5.  Report from ACBL Board. Dick Anderson previously circulated his report from the most recent meeting of the ACBL Board.

6.  D18 Tournament Coordinator’s Report. Claire Jones reviewed progress by Tournament Committees for 2009, 2010, and 2011 Regionals. He reported that the 2010 Moose Jaw Regional might need to be moved to a date later than the current April 12-18, 2010. He also advised that locations and dates are firming up for 2012 as follows:

2012 Regionals

Proposed Dates



April 9 – 15/ 2012

April 8 is Easter

Salt Lake City

May 14 – 20/ 2012



August 6 – 12/ 2012

Is Mon. the 6th a holiday?


Sept 24 – 30/ 2012

Kalispell 99.9% likely

      Moved by Mary Jo Brown 2nd by Andy Anderson that the report be accepted. Carried

7.  Webmaster’s report. Moved by Mary Jo Brown, 2nd by Ken Scott that the Webmaster’s report be accepted. Carried

8.   New Business

  1. The need for assurance of viable flights at every GNT was discussed and it was Moved by Andy Anderson, 2nd by Doug Adair that there be pre-registration for all flights of the GNT. The pre-registration fee will be $100 per team to be received by the GNT Coordinator (or a Board Member acting on behalf of the GNT Coordinator) no less than 3 weeks prior to the event. The fee is refundable only if a game for that flight is not held.  Carried

·        It was decided that the 2009 GNT be located in Calgary with the preferred dates of May 16 and 17, 2009. Ken Scott will assist the GNT Coordinator by seeking an appropriate facility for those dates (or the following weekend).

·        There was discussion of longer term locations for the GNT event with general support for the Open and A flights being held in Canada for the foreseeable future, and the event itself being held at locations near the US/Canada border.

  1. Helen Samuelson, Tournament Chairperson for the 2011 Billings Regional was welcomed. She provided an encouraging report on progress towards the Regional, advising that the total venue rental fee would be $1200 and that the host venue would be providing guest rooms at the rate of approximately $80 per night. In consideration of such a reasonable rate and the prospect of higher than normal ‘profit’ for D18, she requested that D18 enhance the hospitality budget for that tournament. It was Moved by Dick Anderson, 2nd by Pam Padgett that D18 provide to the Billings Regional budget an additional hospitality budget of $5000. The general discussion was enthusiastic, but the motion was Tabled because of the need for more information, especially the areas of data for previous Billings Regionals. President Martindale committed to Helen that additional hospitality funding would be provided and the amount will be determined at the next meeting of the Board in Boise.

  2. Ken Scott proposed discussion of the suggestion of an Alberta player that consideration be given to changing the borders of D18 to align with the Canada/US border. Dick Anderson advised that such discussion was not within D18’s mandate and that ACBL would not approve any changes to the D18 border in any event.

  3. In consideration of long serving Board Members, it was Moved by Doug Adair Anderson, 2nd by Mary Jo Brown that retiring Board Members who have served at least 5 terms (consecutive or not) be awarded lifetime free plays at D18 Regionals.  Carried

·        Congratulations to Floyd Hawley who will be the inaugural recipient of this award.

  1. Doug Adair advised that Irene Monache and Kerma Jones have created a consolidated summary of the setup and coordination of the recent SLC Regional and that this is available to other planning committees.

  2. It was suggested (Andy Anderson) that it would be helpful and cost effective if a flat subsidy of $50 could be provided for Tournament Directors in lieu of reimbursing a receipted hotel room. An example situation is when a Tournament Director elects to stay at a private home instead of staying at a hotel and wishes to provide a host gift. Dick Anderson will review with the ACBL the possibility of such policy and report back to the Board.

  3. Successes for D18 Juniors:

·        Congratulations to Thomas Walsh of Saskatoon who won the Youth Sportsmanship Trophy and $1000 scholarship at the inaugural Youth NABC in Atlanta last July.

·        Congratulations to James Dulmage, Scott Rosom, and Erin Anderson who will be representing Canada at the 1st World Mind Sports Games in Beijing China next month. All were D18 members when named to the team.

  1. Steve Bates advised that the Idaho Falls Regional table count is ahead of expectation and the tournament might achieve as many as 900 tables.

9.   Next Meeting: Thursday, May 7, 2009, Boise, ID, Doubletree Riverside Convention Centre

10. Motion to adjourn by Mary Jo Brown. Adjournment at 6:50 p.m.


This page is maintained by the WasumiGuy

Last updated: May 22, 2010